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    格雷格·阿貝爾(左)與伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司的一位股東自拍。圖片來源:JOSH FUNK—AP PHOTO

    今年的伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)股東大會,為股東們提供了一次最佳的機會,讓他們可以聆聽沃倫·巴菲特的未來接班人的見解。但公司的首席執行官巴菲特于5月4日首次表示,格雷格·阿貝爾在接班后還將負責公司的投資決策,這讓股東們對他的接班人計劃產生了新的質疑。






    但愛德華·瓊斯公司(Edward Jones)的分析師詹姆斯·沙納漢指出,一家好公司不一定能夠成為一只好股票,除非你可以把握好時機和倉位規模,這是一門藝術。


    阿貝爾在負責伯克希爾-哈撒韋公用事業部門的十年間,確實曾經主持過數十億美元的交易,包括收購NV Energy和AltaLink,但他從來沒有選股經驗。韋施勒和庫姆斯或許能夠幫助阿貝爾選擇恰當的時機,并在股市尋找機會,但巴菲特在5月4日并沒有這樣說。


    斯密德資本管理公司(Smead Capital Management)的科爾·斯密德稱:“這會讓你對后巴菲特時代的信心增加還是打折扣?我想說這會讓你的信心大打折扣,這不只是因為這是更壞的情況,而是因為候選人的篩選過程并不透明,也沒有清晰地對公眾說明。你會開始質疑,還有哪些方面會發生變化?”


    今年剛剛接任Brooks Running公司首席執行官的丹·謝里登表示:“格雷格每天要接觸更多事務。因此他的觀點很有價值。他的才智對我們所有人來說非常難得,值得我們借鑒?!彼赋?,阿貝爾為人謙遜,對業務充滿了好奇心,而且會提出刁鉆的問題。

    時思糖果(See’s Candies)的首席執行官帕特·伊根補充道,阿貝爾體現了伯克希爾-哈撒韋的核心價值觀,這家公司注重誠信、關懷客戶和增強品牌,同時賦予子公司獨立運營的自由。

    地板業巨頭Shaw Industries的首席執行官蒂姆·鮑科姆說:“他真的希望我們了解我們的公司,理解各種參數,并管理好公司的日常運營。因此我感覺我擁有完全的自由,但自由伴隨著責任?!?/p>





    但目前,巴菲特已經表明,阿貝爾或許不需要在短期內接班,因為巴菲特仍舊狀態良好,而且盡管他在5月4日承認自己的精力大不如前,他一直說自己沒有退休計劃。市場研究公司CFRA Research的分析師凱西·塞弗特對巴菲特的干勁記憶深刻。




    今年的伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)股東大會,為股東們提供了一次最佳的機會,讓他們可以聆聽沃倫·巴菲特的未來接班人的見解。但公司的首席執行官巴菲特于5月4日首次表示,格雷格·阿貝爾在接班后還將負責公司的投資決策,這讓股東們對他的接班人計劃產生了新的質疑。






    但愛德華·瓊斯公司(Edward Jones)的分析師詹姆斯·沙納漢指出,一家好公司不一定能夠成為一只好股票,除非你可以把握好時機和倉位規模,這是一門藝術。


    阿貝爾在負責伯克希爾-哈撒韋公用事業部門的十年間,確實曾經主持過數十億美元的交易,包括收購NV Energy和AltaLink,但他從來沒有選股經驗。韋施勒和庫姆斯或許能夠幫助阿貝爾選擇恰當的時機,并在股市尋找機會,但巴菲特在5月4日并沒有這樣說。


    斯密德資本管理公司(Smead Capital Management)的科爾·斯密德稱:“這會讓你對后巴菲特時代的信心增加還是打折扣?我想說這會讓你的信心大打折扣,這不只是因為這是更壞的情況,而是因為候選人的篩選過程并不透明,也沒有清晰地對公眾說明。你會開始質疑,還有哪些方面會發生變化?”


    今年剛剛接任Brooks Running公司首席執行官的丹·謝里登表示:“格雷格每天要接觸更多事務。因此他的觀點很有價值。他的才智對我們所有人來說非常難得,值得我們借鑒?!彼赋?,阿貝爾為人謙遜,對業務充滿了好奇心,而且會提出刁鉆的問題。

    時思糖果(See’s Candies)的首席執行官帕特·伊根補充道,阿貝爾體現了伯克希爾-哈撒韋的核心價值觀,這家公司注重誠信、關懷客戶和增強品牌,同時賦予子公司獨立運營的自由。

    地板業巨頭Shaw Industries的首席執行官蒂姆·鮑科姆說:“他真的希望我們了解我們的公司,理解各種參數,并管理好公司的日常運營。因此我感覺我擁有完全的自由,但自由伴隨著責任?!?/p>





    但目前,巴菲特已經表明,阿貝爾或許不需要在短期內接班,因為巴菲特仍舊狀態良好,而且盡管他在5月4日承認自己的精力大不如前,他一直說自己沒有退休計劃。市場研究公司CFRA Research的分析師凱西·塞弗特對巴菲特的干勁記憶深刻。




    This year’s Berkshire Hathaway meeting gave shareholders their best chance yet to hear from the man who will one day take over as CEO when Warren Buffett is gone, but Buffett said for the first time on May 4 that Greg Abel should also take responsibility for the company’s investments after he takes over, raising new questions about the succession plan.

    Abel put his encyclopedic knowledge of the utility business that he led directly for years on display and delved into railroad operations and potential acquisitions that Berkshire pursued while sharing the stage with Buffett all day. For his part, the 93-year-old billionaire showed investors he is still sharp.

    Abel pointed out that it required a major culture shift to get workers at PacifiCorp and the other utilities, who have long focused all their energy on keeping the lights on, to think about shutting the power down at times when the risk that their power lines could spark wildfires is too great. He also said BNSF railroad is working on getting “our cost structure right” after delivering disappointing results.

    Succession was clearly top of mind for many of the thousands of people who filled an Omaha arena to listen to the two men after last fall’s death of Vice Chairman Charlie Munger. Buffett, Abel and Ajit Jain, Berkshire’s other top executive who oversees the company’s insurers, reassured investors that Berkshire’s board spends plenty of time focused on “what would happen to the operation if I get hit by a truck,” as Jain put it. Finding the right replacement for any of the three of them will be important.

    Previously, Buffett had said that when Abel becomes CEO, investment managers Ted Weschler and Todd Combs, who’s also taken on the responsibility of being Geico’s CEO, would handle Berkshire’s massive portfolio. But Buffett said on May 4 that his thinking has evolved, and that “I would probably, knowing Greg, I would leave the capital allocation to Greg.”

    And Buffett said because Abel understands businesses so well, he also understands stocks.

    But Edward Jones analyst James Shanahan said a good business doesn’t always make a good stock unless you get the timing and position size right, and there is an art to that.

    “I think stock picking is hard. I don’t think it’s something you can just start doing and be good at it,” Shanahan said.

    Abel does have a history of making multibillion-dollar deals when he was the head of Berkshire’s utility unit for a decade, including the acquisitions of NV Energy and AltaLink, but he’s never been a stock picker. Weschler and Combs might be able to help Abel get the timing right and find opportunities in the stock market, but Buffett didn’t say that on May 4.

    Abel just reassured shareholders that “the capital allocation principles that we use today will be maintained.”

    “Does that give you more or less confidence post-Buffett? I would say it’s got to give you less — not because it’s a worse circumstance — but because it hasn’t been very transparent and communicated that clearly. You’ve got to start asking, well, what else is going to change?” said Cole Smead with Smead Capital Management.

    Abel definitely has the confidence of the CEOs at all of Berkshire’s many varied noninsurance businesses who report to him and ask his advice on any challenges they are facing.

    “Greg sees so much more than I do on a daily basis. So his perspective is valued, and his wisdom is something that is such a luxury for all of us to be able to tap into,” said Dan Sheridan, who just became CEO of Brooks Running this year after his predecessor retired. He said Abel is always humble and curious about the business, even while asking challenging questions.

    See’s Candies CEO Pat Egan added that Abel reflects all of Berkshire’s core values, with the company’s emphasis on integrity, taking care of customers and strengthening brands, while still giving Berkshire’s subsidiaries the freedom to operate independently.

    “He really expects us to know our business, understand the parameters, and to run our business on a day to day basis,” said Tim Baucom, CEO of flooring giant Shaw Industries. “So I feel like I have all the freedom of the world, but with freedom comes responsibility.”

    The shareholders who attended the meeting and spent hours shopping and talking with executives at the booths Berkshire subsidiaries set up when they weren’t listening to Buffett and Abel remain confident. Some of them even got the chance to take selfies with Abel, though Buffett no longer tours the exhibit hall in public.

    “I think they’ll be fine,” said Michael Grizzard, who made the trip to Omaha from Richmond, Virginia, for the second time. “They’re in good hands, and I think they have a good culture.”

    Smead said even Buffett, who is easily one of the greatest investors the world has ever seen, has been having a hard time lately finding good investments big enough to make a difference at Berkshire except for the $135 billion Apple stake that remains its largest investment even after some trimming this year.

    So no matter how good an investor Abel is, he will have a hard time finding deals big enough to provide a meaningful boost to Berkshire’s earnings that approached $13 billion in a down first quarter. That challenge is a big part of why Buffett has warned investors not to expect any of the “eye-popping performance” of Berkshire’s past.

    But for now, Buffett showed that Abel may not need to take over anytime soon because he looked good and he has long said he has no plans to retire, even if he acknowledged on May 4 that he doesn’t have the same energy he used to. CFRA Research analyst Cathy Seifert came away impressed with his stamina.

    “There wasn’t anything in that performance that I found worrisome or troubling,” Seifert said.



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